Ratings ICRA para instrumentos de dívida indianos – 11 de novembro

    Nov 11 - Below are the ratings awarded by Investment Information Credit Rating Agency Ltd.
(ICRA) for local debt instruments as of November 10, 2020.

COMPANY                                 INSTRUMENT            RATING      AMOUNT   MOVEMENT
------                                  ----------            ------      -----    ---------
Hiten Fasteners Pvt Ltd                 ST - Fund Based Bill  ICRA A4      60     Reaffirmed
Hiten Fasteners Pvt Ltd                 ST -Non-fund Based BG ICRA A4      41.9   Reaffirmed
Matrix Clothing Pvt Ltd                 FB - Working Capital  ICRA A3      968    Reaffirmed
Orinda Granito Llp                      Non-fund based BG     ICRA A4      25     Reaffirmed
Supriya Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd          ST - Non Fund Based   ICRA A4      450
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category

Bhartiya Urban Pvt Ltd                  LT FB Bk Fac          ICRA BBB     12200  Reaffirmed
outlook revised to Negative from Stable; assigned for enhanced amount
Chennai Auto Agency Pvt Ltd             Fund Based - Working  ICRA         100    Reaffirmed
                                        Capital Fac           BBB(Negative)
Chennai Auto Agency Pvt Ltd             Unallocated Facility  ICRA         100    Reaffirmed
Gomatha Cotton Industries               LT - Fund Based/ CC   ICRA         80
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Gomatha Cotton Industries               LT - Fund Based TL    ICRA         40
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Hitech Hydraulics                       LT - Fund Based/ CC   ICRA         30
Downgraded from ICRA BB-(Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain in the ‘Issuer
Not Cooperating’ category
Hitech Hydraulics                       LT - Fund Based TL    ICRA         9.5
Downgraded from ICRA BB-(Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain in the ‘Issuer
Not Cooperating’ category
Hitech Hydraulics                       LT - Non Fund Based   ICRA         30
Downgraded from ICRA BB-(Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain in the ‘Issuer
Not Cooperating’ category
Hitech Hydraulics                       LT - Unallocated      ICRA         30.5
Downgraded from ICRA BB-(Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain in the ‘Issuer
Not Cooperating’ category
Hiten Fasteners Pvt Ltd                 LT - Fund Based CC    ICRA BB-     120    Reaffirmed
outlook revised to Stable from Negative
Hiten Fasteners Pvt Ltd                 LT - Fund Based       ICRA BB-     87.5   Reaffirmed
outlook revised to Stable from Negative
Jagaran Microfin Pvt Ltd                NCD programme         ICRA BBB-    770
Reaffirmed and outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Matrix Clothing Pvt Ltd                 FB - TL               ICRA BBB-    63.3   Reaffirmed
Maxworth Plywoods Pvt Ltd               LT - Fund Based- CC   ICRA D       30
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Maxworth Plywoods Pvt Ltd               LT / ST - Unallocated ICRA D/ICRA  30
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
New Era Dwellers And Constructions Pvt  NCD Programme         ICRA D       150
Downgraded from ICRA B+ (Stable) and simultaneously Withdrawn
Orinda Granito Llp                      FB TL                 ICRA BB-     145    Reaffirmed
Orinda Granito Llp                      FB Working Capital FacICRA BB-     100    Reaffirmed
Sandor Medicaids Pvt Ltd                LT - Bonds/NCD/LTD    ICRA D       200
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Sirwar Renewable Energy Pvt Ltd         LT- Fund Based- TL    ICRA B+      100
Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) and Moved to Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Supriya Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd          LT - Fund Based/ CC   ICRA B       380
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Supriya Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd          LT - Fund Based TL    ICRA B       169.6
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
Supriya Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd          LT - Unallocated      ICRA B       133.1
Rating continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category
V.S.T. And Sons Pvt Ltd                 Fund Based - Working  ICRA BBB     440    Reaffirmed
                                        Capital Fac           (Negative)
V.S.T. And Sons Pvt Ltd                 Fund Based - TL       ICRA BBB     10     Reaffirmed
V.S.T. Auto Parts Pvt Ltd               Fund Based - Working  ICRA BBB     310    Reaffirmed
                                        Capital Fac           (Negative)
V.S.T. Motors Pvt Ltd                   Fund Based - Working  ICRA BBB     650    Reaffirmed
                                        Capital Fac           (Negative)
$: Rating watch with positive implication
#: Rating Watch with Developing implications
@: Rating Watch with Negative Implications
%: Rating under Credit Watch
wd -Rating Stands Withdrawn
sp -Rating Suspended
pp -Principal Protected
pn -Principal Not Protected

ICRA may apply + or - signs for ratings to reflect a comparative standing within the category.

BG-Bank Guarantee; CC-Cash Credit; CCPS-Cumulative Convertible Preference Share; CD-Certificate
of Deposit; CLO-Collateralized Loan Obligation; CPA-Claims Paying Ability; CP-Commercial
Paper; CPS-convertible preference shares; CRPS- Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference
shares; DDB-Deep Discount Bond; EPBI-Exchange premium bond; FBL-Fund Based Limits; FRB/FRN
-Floating Rate Bond/Note; ICD -Inter Corporate Deposit; ITD-Immediate Term Debt; LOC-Letter of
Credit; LT -Long Term; LTB -Long Term Borrowing; LTD -Long Term Debt; MOCD-multiple option
convertible debenture; MTD -Medium term Debenture; MTN-medium term notes; NCD(SO) -
Non-Convertible Debenture-(Structured Obligation); NCD-Non-convertible Debentures; NCRB-Non
Convertible Redeemable Bonds; NM-Not Meaningful; OCD-optionally convertible debenture; OD-Over
Draft; OFCD-Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture; PCD-Partially Convertible Debenture;
PCN-partly convertible notes; PCPS-Partly Convertible Preference Share; POCD-partly optional;
PP-privately placed; PSPC-Post Shipment & Packing Credit; PS-Preference Shares; PTC-Pass
Through Certificates; RPS-Redeemable Preference Shares; SCPN-secured convertible preference
notes; SDO-Structured Debt Obligation; SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio; SO-Structured
Obligation; SPCD - Secured Partly Convertible Debentures; SPN-secured premium notes; STB-Short
Term Bond; STD-Short Term Debentures; ST-Short Term; Sub. Bonds-Subordinate Bonds; TB-Taxable
Bond; TFB-Tax Free Bond; TL-Term Loan; TOCD-triple option convertible debentures.

(Mumbai Rate Reporting Unit + 91 22 6180 7222 / 3317 7222 , E-mail at [email protected])

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